Sunday, July 22, 2007

hating it rain

While honoring those who have enough money in order to spend it frivolously, one must also contemplate those who have stood in their way. Specifically those who see misappropriation of wealth a bad thing. Fuck you Karl Marx!

Personally, I can find many ways to redistribute my wealth without having some rigid governmental structure telling me what to do with it. I see tossing handfuls of cash at a stripper as no different than the version of wealth redistribution which Mr. Marx proposes. Am I the only one drawing parallels between "the working class" and the "working girl" ? Except in my utopia the proletariat is way hotter and gives you boners.


Anonymous said...

"Except in my utopia the proletariat is way hotter and gives you boners."


Anonymous said...

I agree. Awesome. Don't worry, nait is simply currently repressing me, his conservative (sensible) side for the time being. But he won't be able to hold out forever and will come around to your (our) ways soon enough. Until then, know I appreciate it too.