Saturday, April 12, 2008

With The Weather Breaking...

The winters in Buffalo, NY are as long as they are hard. Meteorologist would have you believe that is starts snowing in October and doesn't stop until May. Where as we do get snow in both October and May there are no less than six days in between where the skies are clear and the flurries stay in their cloudy homes.


So when spring arrives most Buffaloanians celebrate by getting wasted for like 3 weeks straight, myself included. That is why our posts have been a little bit more sparse in these parts the past week or two. I have been pretty busy getting totally shitfaced and macking chicks; but rather than doing it inside of a bar, I am now doing it on a patio and the women have less clothes on. Which is sweet.


So the posting may not be as prolific as it has been during these colder months, but in turn there are way more people out who will be impressed with our spending. Also it is a proven fact that babes are like 114% hornier during the summer.


Also, with sluts abounding, the odds of totally hilarious stories to tell you, the reader, increases exponentially. So enjoy the nice weather, we plan on doing the same. Though, to be honest, I am sure that our summers are going to be way sexier than yours.


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